November 15, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Mollie Bear Farm and Gardens
7833 Tolt Highlands Rd NE Carnation
Washington 98014
7833 Tolt Highlands Rd NE Carnation
Washington 98014
Please join us at Mollie Bear Farm and Gardens for a potluck and a discussion about how SVT can assist member farmers with buying farm supplies in bulk. SVT has arranged bulk buys in past years and we would like to continue doing so as a benefit to our members. What supplies do you buy? Where do you buy them? When do you need them? Bring your ideas and questions. We will begin with a potluck in the barn and then move into the discussion. For everyone’s safety and enjoyment, masks will be required when not eating or drinking. If you are not yet a member of SVT but would like to find out more by joining us at an event, please email justine@snovalleytilth.org.