These funds support our Experience Farming Project, our Farm Services program, our Farmland Network, our Farm Business Center, and our farm-positive policy advocacy.
Thank you for being a part of the SnoValley Tilth community, and for your generous contributions supporting our work!
2024 Annual Friends of the Fields
Benefit Dinner and Auction
June 8th, 2024
What an incredible night at Novelty Hill Farm, raising funds and support for local, sustainable agriculture. Our Friends of the Fields Dinner and Auction was a wonderful success, with great food, good stories of the impact of SVT in our community, and the best company. THANK YOU for all who joined us!
Please consider joining us next year! In the meantime, keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming SnoValley Tilth events.
Become a Sponsor
Individuals, families, and businesses throughout the valley and the greater Puget Sound region appreciate and support SnoValley Tilth. Sponsorships play a vital role in our ability to support organic and sustainable food and fiber production throughout the Snoqualmie and Snohomish watersheds.
Donate an Item or Experience
What unique skills do you have to share? We invite you to think creatively about what you might like to donate in support of SVT and our work to build a thriving agricultural community. Can you mentor someone in beekeeping for a season? Contribute three hours of bookkeeping advice? A tractor-ride kids’ birthday party?
Complete the procurement form linked below, and return it to us at info@snovalleytilth.org.
Thank you so much!
Volunteers make our world go ’round! We’d LOVE your donation of time and energy in support of SVT. We have lots of fun roles!
Thank you so much for considering it. Please click below to complete the volunteer form, or email the event coordinator.